Thursday, April 14, 2011


What do little boys dream about?
Tree houses, dirt, diggers, bugs...and super heros! I'm pretty sure those are on the list.

I'm a bargain shopper and after Halloween last year I snagged a Power Ranger costume on a massive clearance sale for next year. It came with a generic suit that could be transformed into a Super Hero of any kind! Since our 4 year old was dubbed with the nickname "Super T" shortly after he was born, I figured this costume paired with my sewing skills could add a boost to my little boy's imaginative play, AND double as a costume for this coming Halloween.
Rummaged deep down in my fabric bin for some fleece and notion scraps to use up...bought the rest of the supplies with awesome coupons at JoAnn's (they always have great ones!), and this costume is complete for less than 20 bucks!

Super T was thrilled that there was a bit of wind today to help him "fly"...he's already planning what his 1 year old brother's superhero costume will look like for me to make. Apparently he needs a partner in flight.

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