Sunday, February 26, 2012

A dabble here, a dabble there

My youngest son with last summer's strawberries...maybe this photo will inspire some summer weather to come to Oregon! 

I just changed my blog name.  Why?  Because I'm a dabbler by nature.  "The Groovy Mess" seems to fit me and my life better.  Not to mention that my former blog name, "Badonkadonk Knits" was selected because I was knitting custom orders of baby attire, which I'm taking a break from for now.  I might start that up again in the near future under The Groovy Mess.

I fantasize about my "someday crafting" a lot. Someday I'd like to quit dabbling and streamline my crafting a little more.  Someday I'd like to get really good at just one.  Someday I'd even like to start a crafting business.  I mean a REAL crafting that actually makes money.  I have several blogs bookmarked that I follow (or stalk?) featuring women who have done this.  Started out with a dinky little blog outlining their hobby crafting and eventually it mushroomed into something really, well, business-like.

I often think that if I could just get myself organized enough and focused enough and educated enough in certain areas, then I could do it too!   I will admit there is quite a bit of fear holding me back though.  Fear that I will embark on something and fail, I guess.  Fear of the internet and my lack of knowledge of things like how websites run and how to get my own.  Concepts like domain names, web hosts, copyrights and trademarks float around in my head at night and overwhelm me.   I find myself a bit intimidated by the thought of putting my creative juices into something and then putting it on a site like Etsy, only to have it sit there with no one thinking it is as cool as I do.  Yikes!  Maybe someday...when my young kids are both in school and I can quit spending my time fishing out those random items thrown into our toilets for good (the latest of which was a full bar of soap courtesy of our 2 year old).

In the meantime, I still dabble.  Sewing and more sewing, refashioning clothing, repurposing thrift store finds, jewelry making, knitting, wood working, a little photography (not that I'm great at it, but I like it), and my newest revisited love...screen printing (more on that in a future post for sure).  Oh, and let's not even talk about what Pinterest has done to me!  Oh the endless possibilities.  Eye candy for the crafter to be found there, folks!

Here are some of my recent favorites off of Pinterest that I'm determined to try:

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